Friday, 21 October 2016


It’s Diwali! And it’s that time of the year when everyone wants to just celebrate and have fun. Diwali is also the time when all diet plans go berserk, thanks to all the high-fat traditional delicacies, countless varieties of sweets and deep-fried savouries. However, if you take a bit of care, all the feasting will not add unwanted calories and leave you guilt ridden. And yes, be careful about those firecrackers as well!
Here are a few tips to celebrate a safe and healthy Diwali
Say no to too many sweets
One should always keep a check the sugar, fat and starch intake, especially diabetics. Though Diwali is the time when a huge variety of sweets are made and bought, make sure you stick to your favourites, in limited quantities.
Keep yourself hydrated
Make sure you drink lots of water. When properly hydrated, your body will feel more energetic and lively.
Opt for food with natural sweeteners
When making/ buying sweets, opt for those made with natural sweeteners like jaggery, dates, sweet dry fruits etc. instead of those made with white sugar.
Cook healthy
Choose healthier cooking styles like grilling, baking and pan-frying instead of deep-frying. Substitute high calorie ingredients like butter and ghee with healthier oils or use them in minimal quantities. Keep a check on the amount of sugar you use and opt for desserts made with fat-free milk/ yoghurt.
Eat small portions
It’s difficult to keep away from binging on traditional delicacies and sweets, especially at family feasts. So, never deprive yourself the pleasure of good food. You can indulge, but in small quantities. Eating less will also make you feel lighter and healthier.
Be careful with the firecrackers
When lighting firecrackers, ensure that all safety precautions are taken. Make everyone, especially children, are at a safe distance to avoid burns and accidents. Keep a bucket of water ready, to douse fire if needed. Also be very careful while lighting flying crackers. They can be extremely dangerous and cause severe burns/ eye damage.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Walk your way slim

Walk your way slim

Walking is the perfect exercise it's a low-impact way to get fit, get healthy and even get slim. Find out what walking can do for your body and how to do it right
Walking is a health powerhouse. It strengthens your muscles and heart, lowers your blood pressure and helps build bones. It can even lengthen your life: According to research, walking vigorously for 30 minutes just six times a month may lower your risk of premature death by 50 percent.
It’s relatively easy on the joints and bones walking puts about half the stress that running does on your knees, ankles and shins. But you’ll have to give more effort than you would for a casual stroll. To get all the great benefits, including boosting your cardiovascular fitness, you need to power walk, moving at a pace that will bring your heart rate into the target zone.
To be clear, fitness walking is not as fast as race walking. Race walkers, who have an unusual gait that involves swaying the hips back and forth, can easily walk faster than some people jog.